Monday, June 25, 2012

Indie or big budget: it's all about people in the seats

I found myself getting a bit jealous of the movie TED this past weekend.  Not because it features a talking stuffed animal - hey, I wrote a play about talking cats, so been there, done that!  No, because they get to inundate us on TV or on-line with ads about how cute the bear is, and how much you should want to see him with Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis. 

The more I thought about it, however, the more I realized that there really isn't a whole lot of difference between what Universal Studios is doing and what indie filmmakers do:  it's all about putting people in the seats.  Yeah, they have a few (hundred) million more dollars to play around with than I do.  But the goal is the same.

So you'll see Surviving Family on Facebook, and Twitter, and Blogger rather than on Dancing With The Stars.  And we'll use posters in stores in Woods Hole, MA during their film festival.  And we'll hand out our postcards person-to-person.   But in some ways that's nice, in an old-fashioned sort of way, because you never know who you'll meet, and talk to, and maybe make friends with, as you hand out the postcards and explain to people why THIS is the movie that they should see.

Don't miss us when we come to a film festival near you:

Friday August 3 at 9 PM, Woods Hole Film Festival in Woods Hole, MA
Saturday August 18 at 7 PM, Columbia Gorge Int'l Film Festival in Vancouver, WA

AOF Film Festival in Monrovia, CA, date and time to be announced
Central Florida Film Festival, Labor Day Weekend, date and time to be announced

More coming soon!

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